People & Experience
The Greenbean team has over 50 years of practical experience gained across the globe in pre and postharvest systems for horticultural produce. These experiences have provided us with an extensive knowledge of the practicalities of growing and supplying produce and the cultural sensitivities involved; and undertaking Research & Development.
We have worked in the field and in the laboratory solving problems, developing practical, cost effective solutions and inventing new products and technologies. Our experience tells us that working collaboratively with you creates better solutions and the development of effective products. When you come to us we involve cross disciplinary experts to fully understand your requirements and more importantly to ensure that our solution’s add value to your Supply Chain supporting sustainability.
We have practical experience working with the following commodities:
FRUIT: berry & soft fruits, citrus, grapes, kiwi fruit, melons and watermelons, pome fruits, stone fruits, tropical & subtropical fruits
VEGETABLES & SALAD CROPS: brassicas, bulbs, curcurbits, solanaceous fruit vegetables, legumes, okra, sweetcorn, temperate & tropical roots and tubers, miscellaneous produce (artichokes, asparagus, celery, fennel, lettuce, chicory, endive, rhubarb, spinach, spring onions, leeks and chives)
FRESH HERBS: basil, chives, coriander, dill, mint, parsley, rosemary, thyme
We also have commodity knowhow relating to essential oils, spices, cut flowers and bulbs, beverage crops – coffee, cocoa and tea.